Tuesday, December 22, 2009

5, 6, 7, 8, 9!!

9 Ladies Dancing! 8 maids a-milking.
7 swans a-swimming! Synchronized, of course.
Six geese a laying (by the ocean, not laying eggs)...do geese even lay eggs? Yes I know they lay golden eggs, but normal ones?
5 gooooooolden rings! (ding dong ding dong ding)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to meeee...

4 calling birds. Whom...may I ask....are they calling? My best guess is probably the three french hens. Yes, it's an international call, but still.

Speaking of hens. Did you know at Disneyland, they have the Turkey that has the Presidential Pardon at Thanksgiving? I know that turkey's aren't the same as hens...but they're both poultry. Ok, so every year the president pardon's 1 turkey at Thanksgiving to be spared from the knife, the oven, and ultimately, the acidity of the stomach. This one special turkey then gets to hang out at Disneyland all year. Awesome. Here's my question...what happens to the turkey when the year is over, and a new "pardoned" turkey gets to take his place? I bet the old one gets killed and eaten for Thanksgiving! It's all a ruse! So instead of being the one lucky turkey who's life was graciously spared by the leader of our country (which, by the way is a very random tradition), he ends up being the turkey that lives for a year with the knowledge that he is going to die. He probably scratches a countdown in his little turkey coup. If there's ONE way that Disneyland wouldn't be fun, it would be because you're stuck on display and are on a countdown to death. Poor turkey.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thrrrreeeeeeeee French Hens

Why French? Why not American? I mean, the song is sung in English....not French. I'm just saying...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On the Second Day of Christmas...

Okay...as Andy Bernard so aptly pointed out, it's a bit curious that the first seven days of the 12 days of Christmas is basically 30 birds. That's a lot of fowl. I wonder if the partridge shares the pear tree, or if the other birds have to continue to hover in the air until the 12th day is complete? Just think of the chaos...especially when you get the maids-a-milking, dancers dancing, and drummers drumming.

On another note, my wonderful boyfriend took me to see the nutcracker last weekend. Nostalgia. I can remember getting so excited to see the Nutcracker with Grandma when I was younger. Putting on my best dress (although it was all about the shoes for me. I always wanted red sparkly ones, with a Mary-Jane strap over the top. Still on the hunt....) and getting to see the ballerina's prance and dance around the stage, secretly wanting to be dressed up like them in poofy tutu's. It's such a magical production; my favorite is when they do the dances from around the world. Ahhhhh those mad Russians get me every time! Male ballerina's, (ballerino's?) are so
stinking bouncy! They just frolic around stage in garments which are SURE to cut off circulation, bounce around ---to the height of which might rival basketball players-- spin like a daredevil, and THEN, they finish in a silent landing. It boggles the mind.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

christmas is a comin' and the egg is in the nog!

T minus 15 days until Christmas. T minus 10 days until I am in Colorado. I'm preparing myself now for the subzero temperatures they've been facing recently (as Abbey has constantly been reminding me: temperature 3 degrees, feels like -12). I think it's nice to have cold weather during December--really puts you in the spirit of things, increases the desire for warm beverages, fireplaces, and above all it promotes puzzles. What a fun word. Puzzle. Meanwhile I'm just floating around Santa Barbara (which has actually been quite chilly itself recently), and looking to find the Christmas Spirit wherever I can.

Tis the season of awkward work parties as well! I do love hearing a good story about work Christmas parties. Try as they might, there is always one or two people who get a little too loosey goosey at the party. I can almost see where they're coming from; with the tough deadlines, hard work, stress of the holidays, family coming into town.... But I can't imagine anything much more awkward than the Monday you come into work after a Friday night office bash.

And then there's the scenario of the office who doesn't know how to communicate with each other outside of the scope of their work. I think we all know that the result of that is exceedingly uncomfortable small talk with a handful of tense silences thrown in there for fun. In my opinion, there's nothing less fun than talking about work, at a office party. I mean have a little imagination people!

I haven't even approached the office party situation where you come as the awkward date. Perhaps all the co-workers know about you, but you've never met any of them....

Then there's the dress-up in character parties.

The black tie events.

The business casual (honey are these khaki pants appropriate?) event.

Ok you get the picture. These scenarios are endless. There's only one thing that we can really do. EMBRACE THEM. Squeeze the life out of these fancy shmancy shindigs and experience it for what it is. There's always something good that will come out of it. Even if it is just a story.....

Friday, November 20, 2009

because i must

Tis been too long since I've wet my pen to not only record on the internet my life's many workings, but also to provide exceptional entertainment to all. Wait...just to Abbey. Abbey Davis that is.

Because yes, the wench was recently married. All of the planning, organizing, phone calling, lack of sleeping, gift opening and general anticipation all came to a pinnacle, a zenith, an apogee, an epic conclusion...on the night of November 07, 2009. And yes, she was married in THAT dress; that very dress where-in the picture she stands, trepidation laden yet excited, wondering if this is the right one, if this is THE dress. It was.

I know you think the picture on which you look was taken professionally. The colors are striking, the lighting...perfect, and the expression, priceless. While I definitely made a pitch to be the wedding photographer (what? I'm sure there have been some bridesmaids who have also been the photographer. why not?), she refused me to hire a real professional. A legit one. A woman who's won all sorts of awards like, "wedding photographer of the year." pssssh. Who cares. How is that award even applicable in a situation like this? Regardless, nary you fret, for I will henceforth provide a linky link to a location where you may view the real pictures from the wedding.

The wedding was a smashing success. Abbey did a grrrrrrreat job planning, and the shindig went off without a hitch. This was slightly disappointing to me, as I was completely unable to make use of the emergency kit I had so lovingly made. Helloooooo....tide-to-go-pen! And the rehearsal....bomb. When you combine artichoke shaped lighting, DJ Johnny Cruz, weepy toasts, 82 year old grandparents getting jiggy with it, AND the task of consuming an entire chicken...what's not to LOVE?

Conveniently, Abbey and I share many friends (we planned it that way, duh), so it was AWESOME to get to see everyone in our home state, our home town, our home country club, and our own house!!!! A big thank-you goes out to all the out-of-towners who were able to come to the wedding!! It was so much fun to have everyone there. And espesh to Anna, Maddie, and Tim...my three BESTIES!! There was a point after the wedding reception was over when we were all sitting around the kitchen table partaking in some wedding wine, when I realized how lucky I was, and how much fun it was to have ALL OF YOU sitting around the table!! Unfortunately, I think the way I displayed this love for you was by semi-sleeping on the table SLASH sounding pubescent and suggesting we all go bowling...and then I exposed you to the likes of one P.Horst. A thousand apologies to all involved in that situation. Bahahahaaha.

And now....to get on to the real work of my day. Makin movies. That's right people. I live in California and work at a Film Production Company. WAHHHHHH I'm such a Colorado sell-out......


Thursday, October 29, 2009


Two times in two weekends. Yes. I've traversed the state of California, making an exodus from Santa Barbara to Northern California. Not once, but twice.

Trip Numero Uno.

Objective: Connect with Spencer whilst he was on school trip to San Francisco/Carmel/Monterey; while at the same time visiting Gramps and Grammy.

Result: eesh. We did it, but barely.

Snaps to: Timothy W. Erickson for coming with me on this wild goose chase; San Luis Obispo, for providing us with two meals; and the good graces of a pump up mattress.

Trip Numero Dos:

Objective: Genocide Awareness Project at Cal State Berkeley

Result: We started a riot, caused lots of controversy, and hopefully changed some minds about whether or not abortion is right.

Snaps to: The Doubletree in Berkeley (comfy bed!!), Verité Studios, and espresso.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Psalm 3:5 "I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me."

Psalm 5:3 "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."

Two excellent verses, are they not? Probably because the references are the inverse of one another...but perhaps there's more....

The first one is significant to me because it reaffirms just how dependent we are, or should be, on Christ. He IS the reason for our waking, breathing...our very existence. He wants us to wholly depend on Him for all things (This is within the voice of practicality. I'm probably not going to consult the Lord when I'm trying to figure out which brand of toilet paper has the best price point, because you better believe I'm getting the cheapest!) But it's a reminder to try and live our lives through the filter of God. To evaluate every decision based of off our faith; and to realize that nothing is possible without Christ.

I like the second verse because it's good to remember that we actually are praying to a God who listens, hears, and responds. Obviously, this isn't always what we anticipate His response might look like---but there is a response, nonetheless. We can literally, lay our requests at the Lord's feet, and wait in expectation for him to respond. That can be quite a burden lifted off our shoulders.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

2nd post in three days?

Yes. It’s true. I’m attempting to become better at updating zee blog. Why? Probably because I’m really important, I have so many followers, people need to know what I’m up to...and let’s just face it--lives depend on this blog. Exempli gratia, post numero DOS en trois jours.

First things first. Shoutout to the Denver Bronco’s. 5-0. Solid performance Kyle Orton. I’m thinking the special teams needs a smidgeon of work, however (um.....can we NOT give the other team THREE CHANCES to get a first down after we’ve held them off? eesh) And I suppose, since I’m feeling spirited, I’ll give the Rockies some credit as well. Playoffs two times in the last three years? That’s somewhat impressive after their drought of, oh, about a MILLION years without so much as tasting the playoff experience. Buffs...not so hot. Although I’m faithfully wearing a jersey every Saturday.

I will now take this opportunity to comment on the sheer ridiculouslity of Santa Barbarians. The date is October 11. The temperature is 62 degrees. OBVIOUSLY this calls for full-on winter garb. I’m talking mittens, scarves, wool coats, winter hats, leggings...and I wouldn’t be surprised if people have foot warmers in their knee high boots. Ok, YES, I know you just spent 300.00 on a coat that is far to warm for this environment. By all means, get some use out of that overpriced piece of wool. While it may exemplify this season’s latest trends, you and I both know that you’re sweating like a pig in there, and just pretending that you’re still cold (as you pull on your trendy fingerless mittens that serve absolutely no purpose while you shop for yet more useless winter garb). To cut the Saint Barby’s some slack, many of them have never been exposed to environments that drop below 45 degrees. However, knowing that almost everywhere else in the world gets colder than it does in Santa Barbara, California, I can’t help but think all this winter clothing is just plain silly.

While I’m on the topic of clothing, I’d just like to point out one more fashion woops that basically drives me crazy. Belt-buckles that spell words. In my opinion, there is a lot going wrong with these babies. First of all, they usually say ridiculous things like “cutie,” or “hot.” Second, they draw attention to an area of the body that is somewhat personal. Call me crazy, but I don’t think I would want someone staring at my crotch until they figured out that my belt spelled “stop looking at my crotch.” Maybe I’m the only one this fashion trend bothers. Maybe because I’m missing the social buffer that says, “hey, someone just walked by with an ugly belt that spelled something, but don’t stare”--because I can’t let it go. You’d better believe I’m going to follow that person until I know what statement they’re trying to make with the apparatus they use to keep their pants up.

That said, I feel as if I can move on to bigger and better posts. Por ejemplo. Today I was domestic. I made (1) applesauce, AND (2) chili.

    1. For some reason, I don‘t like applesauce from the store, and I only like it if it’s warm. So it’s just easier for me to make. Aaaaaaand it makes the house smell SOOOOO good. It’s also very autumnal....
    2. CHILI! It’s football food. And it’s nice and warm--a perfect compliment to a gray day. My first attempt at Kapsie’s usual make---and I’d like to think I represented the recipe quite well. Of course, I was missing several key ingredients, but I’m a master improviser. Let’s just saw I had no complaints.

As a conclusion to my endless and pointless babble, I will say that I’m an epic fail as a member of my book club. We are reading East of Eden, by John Steinbeck. And when I say “we,” I mean everyone but myself. I successfully finished the first chapter the other night. (hooray!) I’m supposed to be on Chapter 30. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’m typically such a good reader--I need to get my tooshie in gear. I know, I should probably just stop blogging.


As if I would desert all of my avid readers at the drop of a hat. I don’t think so.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I've discovered Seattle

Yes. It's true. For many a year I've had the desire to travel to the Pacific Northwest. I knew I would love it. It's got everything I desire in a state--the outdoorsy feel, seasons, overcast skies, sunshine, a fun downtown area, and friendly people! (I don't feel the need to mention the fact that Seattle is a coffee obsessed city, lest people assume that the only reason I enjoyed my stay was the fact that I had the most AMAZING ristretto cappacino at Café Vivace: http://www.espressovivace.com/retail.html . Much less impressed was I at the recent Starbucks attempt toward instant coffee, Via. Let me just say that I took the "taste" challenge about 5 times--don't judge me--and I was very much able to tell which coffee was instant. Good idea Starbucks, bad implementation. I would consider myself happy, however, because through the tasting experience I now have FIVE free drip coffee's at the bucks.

I should probably just keep talking about Starbucks. Because, this past weekend, I experienced my MECCA. I made the pilgrimage all the way to Seattle to go to the FIRST EVER STARBUCKS!! It was great. Everything I imagined it would be. I engaged the barista in some friendly dialogue, to try and extend my welcome in the birthplace of awesomeness, and discovered that the original Starbs is the only one that still pulls their espresso by hand. And yes, I could taste the difference. Added to the wonder, was the sensational slap base that was being played outside the front door.

Pikes Place market is great. They have men throwing fish around, plenty of farmers market vendors who give you free food (the apples....AWESOME), the home of the best tea in the U.S.A., and donuts. Theses donuts are a local phenomenon apparently. It's this tiny little vendor that makes baby donuts. The whole experience was more entertaining than anything, methinks. If you can, picture a man with longish hair, glued in such a way that parts of it are sticking out at all sorts of acute and obtuse angles to his head. In addition, he's wearing cutoff jeans with long, striped socks in yellow and green. His signature move is to throw a donut in the air, poof open the bag, and have it land perfectly on a pillow of powdered sugar. At point of landing, the tongs he's been using spin around his left hand in a nifty, and oh-so-impressive flourish. At one point, Maddie and I remarked that he had a natural gift for the delicate niche of donut kiosks. His reply, "I've only dropped one donut. In 2005. It was a bad year for me. It was also the year my entire family died in a bobsled accident." Now...a few things here. 1) I wasn't sure if he was serious, so I was hesitant to laugh. 2) He'd been working at the donut kiosk since 2005?! Hindsight says, I definitely recommend (cinnamon sugar is best!). Please view. http://www.seattlepi.com/photos/dailydozen/

I feel at this point I should bring up the Seattle favorite, Pho. It's pronounced Fa (or Fuh). Like the beginning of a very bad word. Apparently, it's a meal you don't want to miss whilst in the city. It's a Vietnamese type of soup, with chicken and noods (as in noodles). You put bean sprouts and basil on top to flavor, and then squeeze in a little lime juice to make it kick. On our most intense day of Seattle immersion (yes, the day we experienced the donuts) we decided to have a late lunch of Pho. DELICIOUS!! I'm convinced that part of the reason it tastes so good is because it's a big, steaming, bowl of wonderful that gets served to you when you come in from the chilliness outside. At least, this was my experience with Pho. (KAPSIE--we need to go to Pho Saigon when I'm in CO!!)

Other highlights of Seattle include: The Seattle Public Library (the woooonder!); Discovery Park (I love the Puget Sound, and no, I didn't get to see Free Willy, or any orca's for that matter); Queen Anne (huzzah!); bookstores galore (I could meander for days and days and days in these beauties); thrift and vintage stores (legit ones!); Fremont (Hello Thai food); Coffee (and more coffee, and them some additional coffee); Cary Park (the skyline of Seattle is beautiful); hanging out with Annie! (hooooray!); Pioneer Square (classy).

All this to say, I'm in love. I need to go back. Soon.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September is my FAVORITE month of the year. Probable because I'm obsessed with fall, and September is the first month that you start to experience a change in the weather, a crunch in the leaves, and above all: the pumpkin spice latté. And let's face it, who doesn't like the symmetry that we are experiencing in 2009? Let's take today for example. 09.09.09. EPIC. Of course, the fall isn't so much experienced in Santa Barbara; the dumb sun won't stop shining. I'm convinced that the lack of seasons is what will eventually evict me from this so called "paradise." I have this deep, inner craving for cold days, the smell of October, and watching football games in a room heated with a fire-place. In fact, I'm fairly certain that this is my last fall-less season. I'm OUT OF HERE by this time next year. SOMEONE PLEASE HOLD ME TO THAT!!

These lovely pictures are from my fall semester in Boston, which was magical for so many reasons. Harvest festivals, carriage rides, apple cider donuts, the BEAUTY of Massachusetts in the
fall season, and Ms. Nikki Klink.

On an entirely different note, here's Tim and I in SAN DIEGO (which most definitely does NOT have seasonal changes). We went down to see Wicked, the Musical. So fun. In my next life I plan to return with the singing capacity of all Broadway performers combined. Yes, I'm going to be a super-power in the world of SHOW BUSINESS.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

call me crazy....

I think I could live at Starbucks. Yes, I love the small, independent coffee shops. And yes, I will drink that Santa Barbara Snickers Blended Java Jones. BUT...there is just something about Starbucks that leaves me with a warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside. Of course I realize this warm fuzziness is probably a direct result of drinking hot beverages that actually physically increase my body's temperature, but I like to think of it as a more magical experience than that. Don't get me wrong; I have my complaints about the empire. As a whole, however, well done Buckies, well done.
I know it's silly, but I get SO EXCITED to go to the Bucks. Something about the ability to order whatever you want, and the anticipation of receiving "the regular," or something you've never tried before...it just rubs me the right way.

One semester in college I spent a significant amount of time in my ALL TIME FAVORITE STARBUCKS, on the corner of Victoria and State Street in Santa Barbara. By the end of the semester, I knew almost every barista, and going to Starbucks was more like hanging out with friends than anything else. (I realize that buckies can get expensive, and YES, there is a lot of initial investment that goes into the process. (buying drinks, meeting the barista's, etc.) But I'm a firm believer that there is a good return on investment once you get to know the barista's, and they HOOK YOU UP!)

To note: Starbucks is far better in the fall and winter time. I mean, what can be better than drinking a latté or cappuccino in chilly weather while sitting at a window table. There are few things I appreciate more than a good book or a good conversation over a cup of coffee. And if you even dare to add a little Ray Lamontagne or Mindy Smith to the mix, watch out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kapsie and Jeff Jeff in SB

Mom and Dad were in town this past weekend for a wedding, and we were ACTIVE. Let's just say we strolled the art walk, went sailing, rode bikes for a picnic at the mission, Kapsie and I went SPEED WALKING from downtown to Shoreline Park, we danced at a wedding, and we ate lots of food. Good food. Cantwells, The Palace, Palazzio's, and of course, the Hotel Santa Barbara Scones because YES I will be eating these please, HELLO, my parents are staying here for FREE. (Thanks again Maddie!! :) )

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I'm related to a celebrity.

a pregnant goldfish is called a twit. i know. weird.

Tim and I discovered a GREAT find at one of my all-time favorite stores in Santa Barbara. The store is called "Random." I can only assume that it's called this because it is a one-hundred percent accurate representation of what the store entails. This store almost defies explanation. They have everything from bootleg Asian sports jersey's to Martha Stewart wedding books.

Here is a cross section of what I have purchased from Random in the past.
- A Cake Platter
- SPY artwork
- Picture Frame
- Antique Books
- Thank-You Cards
- Dice
- Buttons
- Dept. 56 North Pole Christmas Decorations
- Used Christmas lights
- Glass Bottles
- Knives
- Extension Cords

That's a short list friends. One of the best parts of this store is that things are relatively inexpensive, and if you feel like something is overpriced, you HAGGLE. But enough about the other fabulous finds I've purchased; the point of this post is to display what was perhaps the most EPIC find of all. I'm convinced I should purchase this to incorporate in Abbey's wedding somehow.

Dino is about 12 feet tall. And look...his tail comes off! If that's not made for convenient travel.....

It's like he's BEGGING to be in the wedding!

Monday, July 27, 2009

I have twenty three years

Twenty-three years. I has them.

While I liked the symmetry of 22, so far I'm digging 23. I'm obviously much more mature than I was at age twenty-two. Probably better looking, and an all around better person. Maddie and Michelle made me feel SUPER SPESH [as in special] on my b-day by throwing me a splendid garden party with some of my best buddies. Michelle cooked a fabulous smorgasbord, and Maddie used her artistic capabilities to ensure proper birthday ambiance. It was the perfect end to a great day. Starting my day off with a dozen roses, and breakfast with my man wasn't too bad either.
Before I continue documenting the delights of my life, I would like to take a moment to discuss the recent addition to our neighborhood. This addition is our new next door neighbor. I have yet to meet him--or bring him freshly baked goods, as all good neighbors should--however I have heard him. Yes, heard. The man is a snorer. A BIG snorer. I'm not sure if it's a condition, habit, or perhaps freedom of choice--but he's definitely perfected the art of the snore. Deep, rumbling, and close to breaking the sound barrier, our neighbor has definitely gotten our attention via his sleeping habits. That said, I can't wait to meet him!

In other news, I went to the BEST WEDDING EVER on July 25. Jessica Caswell and Ryan Bennett. Seriously...one of the better nights of my life [I can only imagine how great it was for them]. The wedding was at Montecito Covenant Church, and the reception was at the Doubletree Hotel on Cabrillo. (HELLO ocean view!) Ryan and Jess are two good friends from Westmont. They have been dating for the past five years. The wedding was such a celebration of their relationship, and commitment to Christ, and each other. The ceremony and language of the vows was beautiful. Everything about the wedding felt so right for them [it's kind of hard to explain]. ANYWAY, enough mushy gushy about my friends, the wedding reception ROCKED. Essentially, the wedding guests were comprised of all my best friends from Santa Barbara and Westmont. We had a happy hour on the balcony of the hotel while we waited for Ryan and Jess to get to the reception. It was absolutely unbelievable up there. So beautiful. I had one minor incident with a seagull and his pervasive desire for my snackies--which eventually ended in a dive bomb that I barely squeaked away from--but other than that, perfection. After they arrived at the wedding, we had a delicious meal of filet mignon. I mean, it was good. Meals like that make me exceedingly glad to be a carnivore.

The real highlight, in my opinion, was the EPICNESS that was the DANCE FLOOR. Oh man, I am definitely having dancing at my wedding; and let me just say, that my friends better be bustin' a move. Part of what makes the dancing so great is audience participation. The wedding guests were a winning group, almost all of them were out there shaking their thangs on the dance floor. The DJ was good too, not one of those cheese ball wedding DJ's that make you lose your appetite for the first red meat you've seen in months [steak is expensive!]. The music was just a delight. Great mix of classics, 80's, country, and then...HIPPITY HOP! Todd and I were out there from the first song to the last, dancing our little booties off. [shoutout by the way, to Todd's supreme dance skillz.] We also got to dance with the bride and groom, which obviously made me feel SO special :). Something about newlyweds makes me feel super honored when they talk to me, let alone bust a move next to me.

So congratulations to Jess and Ryan!! I'm just thrilled for them! Thank you for inviting me to a fabulous wedding!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

En Route

Did you know that Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, AZ is America's Friendliest Airport? Me neither. I'm not sure how this claim is going to hold up against other American airports, [DIA has the best smelling bathrooms, BY FAR] but the totally free Wi-Fi is nifty. And the Starbucks located right next to my gate isn't half bad either [if you disregard the marked up prices, of course].

I forgot to set my alarm last night. Good thing I was woken up by my mother's panicked voice, "Sarah you have to get up. Abbey hurt her neck."QUOTE: Kapsie.
It probably took me a good three seconds to register this statement, but that wasn't the quick response time Kapsie was looking for. Bear in mind that it's about 6:30 ante meridian. After about ten seconds I was up in a jiffy. Long story short, it was an exciting morning spent at the chiropracter's office watching the doc tweak Abbey's neck [adjustments, as the he called them] in quick movements that were unexpected and nauseating to witness. But I think they made her feel better, which was really the point of the whole situation. Turns out the silly girl flattened the discs in her neck and decided to pinch a few nerves to boot. Well, THAT should teach her to sleep on her stomach. Ska-DOOOOSH.

Let's see let's see...what else. Well, I've been affirmed yet again that Colorado is one of the best states, if not THE best state,
in the union. This is not said flippantly, it's factual. Just feeling the fresh air fill your lungs is evidence enough of the state's seniority. Sure, people complain about the altitude, but they're pansies. Yes, it takes getting used to, but it is SO WORTH IT! Yesterday I took the beautiful drive up I-70 to Breckenridge with Sandy, Bentley, and Mom to look at the sleigh riding business the Tate's purchased, Two Below Zero. Check out the website, www.dinnersleighrides.com. The biz is located in Frisco, CO, which is about 9 miles West of Breck. What's pretty snazzy about this area of Colorado is that you get to go through the Eisenhower tunnel to get there, which ALWAYS provides a challenge to those following the belief that one must hold one's breath whilst in the heart of a mountain. Two Below is nestled right on the edge of the Dillon Reservoir, with a backdrop of the mountains. Not too shabby.

One thing I've also realized is that adequate protection from the sun must be worn at all times, particularly at higher altitudes. My feet and shoulders have a rather interesting tan line at the present.

Sandy, Kapsie and I had lunch in downtown Breckenridge. Once again, my love for Colorado was confirmed. We ate on the outside patio against a BEAUTIFUL view of the ski resort; we were served by a man with a handlebar
mustache; and I found an authentic shawarma on the menu. For those of you who don't know what this is, sad. For those of you who have experienced the joy of a Doner Kebab, you know my bliss.

Some other highlights of my trip home are getting so see my family, rainbows, and helping my sister plan her wedding! And in one final thought, DEATH TO THE PINE BEATLE!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Today I’m flying to Colorado to spend some quality time with the family, and to help my sister as she plans for the big day.  I obviously say “the big day” to try and sound more clever when referring the to day of her marriage, her wedding day, the day she says “I Do.”  As I look back on it, it’s really not clever at all. I digress.

To start the traveling process, I took the Santa Barbara airbus down to Los Angeles Airport--LAXY as I like to call it.  I was checked into the airbus by one Jim Whitehead.  I think Whitehead is a very unfortunate last name--no offense to Jim, because he really was quite nice; monotone, but nice.  And he drove that bus like a pro, only scaring me senseless once as we careened around the curves of the PCH (why we took the PCH, I haven’t the foggiest).  I’ll be the first to say that Mr. Whitehead’s bus doesn’t quite hug the curves like my little Honda.  But we made it, and I believe the only appropriate word to adequately express my thankfulness is, of course, huzzah.

I would also like to make a note regarding a condition I have which I will henceforth refer to as unexplainable queasiness and potential fainting (UQ for short).  My UQ comes at the strangest of times.  A few examples.  Once UQ struck as I was watching a video of a very flexible human, for no apparent reason, my poor self was so uncomfortable with the situation that I ended up fainting in class.  UQ also gets me when I see old people with visible bruises, or if I see very, very skinny people.  UQ also strikes right before I travel, usually the morning of.  I get this nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about taking a bus, a long car ride, or plane flight.  I once thought to blame this on motion sickness, but I’m the kind of girl who can ride roller coasters all day and feel nothing but exhilaration.  There’s no explaining it...it’s an anomaly.  All this to say, UQ struck once again as I was on the SB Airbus, and I had the distinct urge to either faint, or perhaps vomit.  I was anticipating the sneak attack from UQ, so I was mentally prepared to handle the situation appropriately.  I don't mean to brag, but I was a champ.  It usually passes after a few minutes of purely unexplainable, and not very pleasant body sensations.  I take particular pride in this specific success story, because not only was I fighting UQ, I was also battling against Whitehead’s death defying driving.

So here I am sitting in LAXY, just loving the people watching. This wholesome recreation is readily available at any public location, but something about airports just increases the people watching joy; specifically in L.A.  Los Angeles, a city filled with ridiculous people.  Something in the water here has created a menagerie of bizarre people wearing bizarre things, and obviously acting at the calibre you would expect from those who wear the word JUICY proclaimed proudly on their tooshies.  Yes, these are the same people who wear sunglasses inside, stiletto’s with their sweat pants, and carry large rodents in their purse that some genius started marketing as dogs.  It’s a well known fact that NYC has a huge rat population in the subway system.  I see the “sm

all dog” situation here in L.A. as much worse than New York’s rat issues.  Not only are the Chihuahua's here in “So-Cal” visible during the day, but they are allowed to be taken into public locations and even petted by the envious newcomers in L.A. who are seeking approval by the ludicrous standards of the self proclaimed rich and famous.   

Enough about other people, back to focusing on myself.  I’m flying Southwest to Colorado.  If you’ve ever flown Southwest before, then you’re aware of the trepidation beginning to build in my very core as I wait to be boarded.  If you’ve never flown this airline, let me enlighten you. I believe it can be summed up in three well chosen and poignant words.  No. Assigned. Seats.  It’s pretty much a free-for-all when it comes to getting seated on the plane.  I feel strongly that some people save all their pent up aggression between Southwest flights, building it up inside until the next time they can release it on Southwest newbies upon time of boarding.  

I realize I might be portraying this whole situation somewhat incorrectly as there are a few loose rules about boarding time.  You are given boarding group A, B, or C; and then an additional number associated with your boarding group anywhere from 1-60.  Boarding group A, numbers 1-30 gets to go first, followed by A 31-60; and then so forth through C 31-60.  The Southwest pro’s have perfected the ability to check in at exactly the right time to ensure themselves group A.  The super pro’s, if there is such a thing, get A 1-30.  I have no idea how it’s done, and am consistently stuck with group C, which is where I think the real aggression lies.  By the time I get on the plane, there is heavy competition for the, gasp, ONE WINDOW SEAT IN THE BACK.  After that seat vanishes in seconds, you’re left to go for the limited aisle seats.  Trust me, those get snatched up faster than you can say Davey Jones Locker.  As a result, and as has always been my case, you must resign yourself to the middle seat; usually located next to those with unfortunate metabolisms.  

So as you can understand, I’m starting to get a little nervous about boarding the flight.  I’m definitely planning to throw some elbow’s, but there’s no telling what might happen if UQ hits me in a clutch moment......

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

life's little pleasures

I'm a happy person. I see the glass half-full. I'm an optimist. I generally have a sunny disposition. I'm quite positive in fact. Part of how I enjoy life daily is taking pleasure in the little things that rub me the RIGHT way.

- Foggy mornings
- Candles
- The smell of old books
- Standing over heat vents in the winter
- Big Gulps
- Cute shoes
- Reading
- Holding hands with Tim
- Pumpkin Spice Latte's
- Radiohead on rainy days
- Thrift stores
- Pictures/Paintings of birds
- Organization
- My mom's cornbread and chili
- Mike'N'Ike's
- Libraries
- Writing in a journal
- Dave Matthews Band
- The smell of coffee in the morning
- Swimming
- Riding a bike
- Foam soap
- Coscto food court
- The smell and warmth of freshly copied paper
- Black Coffee
- Being with friends
- Remembering IBI
- Spying
- 10:00 snack time
- Crunching Leaves
- September in Colorado
- Atomic Cafe in Beverly, MA
- Being alone in a city with my IPOD
- Public Transportation
- Mason Jars
- Crafts
- Plants and Flowers
- Bird Cages
- Missy Higgins and A Fine Frenzy
- Being Outside
- Crackling Fires
- Typewriters
- Dresses
- Concerts
- Green Grapes
- Eating with chopsticks
- Wrought Iron


"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travel." -Margaret Ramback

Monday, June 22, 2009

summer solstice: because who doesn't love hedonism?

Santa Barbara takes the worship of the sun very seriously. So seriously in fact, that there is a two-hour long parade devoted to celebrating the longest day of the year. June 20, 2009 is the first time that I experienced the wonder that is the Santa Barbara Solstice parade.

I'll preface by saying that both sides of State Street were lined with chairs from Thursday night on, in anticipation of the parade on Saturday. I settled for standing room only, which I'm pretty sure was the better option for two reasons, (1) the vertical height of standing was a significant asset in allowing me to get my camera ready to catch the action that was dancing up the street; and most importantly (2) I was able to avoid any personal contact with those in the parade. Typically, the solstice parade hosts some adult content--because who doesn't want to shimmy down the street naked on the longest day of the year?--however this year there was a crack down on nudity. Thankfully, nudist supporters were still out in flocks. Luckily we were standing close to one.

The parade included a host of bands, dancers, razer scooters, rollerbladers, floats, bikes, unicycles, wagoneers, and walkers--many of which were dancing to the beat of their own drum. The parade starts at Cota street and ends in a Bier Garden in Alice Keck Park. I have a theory that includes drug use pre-parade by solsticers. Now, this can't be proven...but this gecko has GOT to be on something...

The highlight of the day was definitely riding the tandem bike downtown with Tim. Todd came along on his shnazzy new road bike, which really put us to shame. But there is something that makes me quite proud in the teamwork it takes to accomplish a succsessful jaunt downtown on a bicycle built for two.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Colossal High Jinks

Best. Weekend. Ever. Many events have led me to believe this statement is absolute truth.

First of all, the discovery of great new songs helped make this weekend a success. Jordin Sparks new song, "Battlefield," and the new Kelly Clarkson song, "I Do Not Hook Up," are obviously going to be summer anthems. I have a knack for guessing these things, and let me just say that these two songs have "summer sing-along" written all over them.

Our Friday night tomfoolery further solidified the start of a good weekend. The Madrona House hosted a BBQ that included a stellar guest list of many of our good friends. It was the quintessential summer evening in Santa Barbara. We sat outside for hours shooting the breeze. Also, my nifty home-made lanterns debuted quite well, and I made some killer chocolate chip cookies which were stated as having, "the perfect texture." I don't mean to brag, but they were DA BOMB DOT COM.

The best part of the evening came around 10:00, when six of us headed out to the infamous Tiberon Tavern, the best of the best in terms of local dive bars. Maddie and Ryan, Tim and myself, and Stephanie and Justin. Great group of people, great dynamics between different couples. First, a little background on the Tiberon. Typically nearly empty, the Tib hosts Santa Barbara locals who are counting on a strong drink and a limited crowd. Sometimes the bartenders even give you money to put in the juke-box because it's so quiet. It was Ryan's inaugural visit to the Tib, so we had prepared him by assuring them that even though there are very few people inside, it was still going to be an awesome experience. As we sauntered up to the Tib, much to our confusion, we saw a line formed outside the door. Two words: KARAOKE. NIGHT.

It was wall to wall people inside the bar with a very small, and I would say far too personal, dance section directly inside the entrance. The karaoke was in full swing by the time we got there, and even included the karaoke singing Santa Barbara legend, Too Tall. [This man is KNOWN for hitting up every karaoke spot in the city, and is known only by said name.] All in all, it was nothing but a pleasure to watch the various performers doing their best rendition of their favs.

SATURDAY was excellent as well. We had a great double-date breakfast. I made blueberry pancakes, Maddie made some scrambled eggies, Ryan made some coffee, and Tim just showed up to eat. Around 11, we all headed up to pick blueberries [affectionately called BLOOOBS by some...] at the ranch. Michelle brought her two cousins along, Maggie and Kelley,
to join in the shenanigans. After a couple hours of good ol' fashioned manual labor, Michelle and her cousins left with a few pounds of the "low calorie, and high in antioxidants!" fruit.

After a picnic lunch, it was obviously time to fly a kite at Refugio State Beach at the edge of Santa Barbara and Gaviota. Kite
credit goes to Ryan, photo credit goes to Maddie. Award for being most photogenic goes to Sarah and Tim. :)

In addition to all of this greatness, all weekend long I was anticipating a rather HUGE event happening early Sunday morning. The engagement of my one and only seeeester. Josh and I have been in cahoots for quite some time now. And let me just take a moment to digress on the
word "cahoots," because it's great. Anyway, I knew it was happening early Sunday morning, so I was just waiting for the call!! Well, there's some good news and bad news. First, the
good news, IT HAPPENED!!! It went just as planned, the sunrise proposal, massages, etc...and check out the ring!!! Now for the bad news. Oh wait, THERE ISN'T ANY!! :) :) :)

Later on Sunday, Tim and I tried our hand at tandem kayaking. Maddie and Ryan came along too, and even though we tried really hard to tip them into the water, their resistance was strong. Thankfully, we were witness to at least one kayak tipping, which was really the highlight of the whole experience. Well, that and this little seal that we befriended.