Because yes, the wench was recently married. All of the planning, organizing, phone calling, lack of sleeping, gift opening and general anticipation all came to a pinnacle, a zenith, an apogee, an epic conclusion...on the night of November 07, 2009. And yes, she was married in THAT dress; that very dress where-in the picture she stands, trepidation laden yet excited, wondering if this is the right one, if this is THE dress. It was.
I know you think the picture on which you look was taken professionally. The colors are striking, the lighting...perfect, and the expression, priceless. While I definitely made a pitch to be the wedding photographer (what? I'm sure there have been some bridesmaids who have also been the photographer. why not?), she refused me to hire a real professional. A legit one. A woman who's won all sorts of awards like, "wedding photographer of the year." pssssh. Who cares. How is that award even applicable in a situation like this? Regardless, nary you fret, for I will henceforth provide a linky link to a location where you may view the real pictures from the wedding.
The wedding was a smashing success. Abbey did a grrrrrrreat job planning, and the shindig went off without a hitch. This was slightly disappointing to me, as I was completely unable to make use of the emergency kit I had so lovingly made. Helloooooo....tide-to-go-pen! And the rehearsal....bomb. When you combine artichoke shaped lighting, DJ Johnny Cruz, weepy toasts, 82 year old grandparents getting jiggy with it, AND the task of consuming an entire chicken...what's not to LOVE?
Conveniently, Abbey and I share many friends (we planned it that way, duh), so it was AWESOME to get to see everyone in our home state, our home town, our home country club, and our own house!!!! A big thank-you goes out to all the out-of-towners who were able to come to the wedding!! It was so much fun to have everyone there. And espesh to Anna, Maddie, and Tim...my three BESTIES!! There was a point after the wedding reception was over when we were all sitting around the kitchen table partaking in some wedding wine, when I realized how lucky I was, and how much fun it was to have ALL OF YOU sitting around the table!! Unfortunately, I think the way I displayed this love for you was by semi-sleeping on the table SLASH sounding pubescent and suggesting we all go bowling...and then I exposed you to the likes of one P.Horst. A thousand apologies to all involved in that situation. Bahahahaaha.
And now....to get on to the real work of my day. Makin movies. That's right people. I live in California and work at a Film Production Company. WAHHHHHH I'm such a Colorado sell-out......