Cell phones. A mixed blessing in my eyes. I never really want to feel like I'm tied down to one, but I will be the first to admit that I always feel like something's missing if I forget my phone at home for the day. I just feel safer with one, IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY.
However, my track record with cell phones is somewhat checkered. While I've never actually LOST my phone (for longer than 48 hours at a time), I have had issues maintaining them. I have a slight problem of dropping my cell phones. No matter where I am I average about two drops a day. Often one occurs first thing in the morning when I reach over to turn off the alarm. And can I get some empathy here? I think we've all had the moment where we get out of our cars and send our cell phones FLYING because we've forgotten we put them in our laps. This exact scenario happens 2-3 times a week for me...
Some of my phones, like the most recent blackberry (affectionately called blackbaby) was SUPER RESILIENT to my every drop. That is, until, it reverted back to the date of December 29, 2009, and refused to live in the present. It would delete all my voicemails, texts, and numbers that were entered after said date. I'm sure there's some underlying significance to why my little red phone decided to permanently make residence in the week after Christmas, but I've resolved to be happy with the fact that December 29 is my parents' wedding anniversary, and that's reason enough.
I thought it might be nice to provide a small pictorial representation of my various cellular devices. We'll start with my humble beginnings, and move to the phone I JUST purchased yesterday because I can't stand to live in the past anymore!

My beloved first Nokia. Best. Phone. Ever. In fact, if only I still had this baby I'd put my SIM card in and i'd be off to the races!
This little flipper signifies round 1 of many cell phones purchase in a matching set with my mom and sister's. Yes. We all three had the same cell in the same color. It was awesome.
The Pantech. First of many of my "go-phones." This one had the most AMAZING ring tones. Unfortunately, it had horrible service and connection, and the buttons were nearly impossible to push. But don't worry, I still battled using it for a good year and a half.

If I had one word of wisdom to impart in this post, it would be to NEVER BUY THIS NOKIA PHONE!! Worst phone in the world. I'm serious. It's almost like the creators sat down, discussed how they could make this the LEAST user friendly, and then went for it. Not to toot my own horn here, but I'm pretty technologically savvy, and this phone was a loser.

The red phone. This little guy has been with me through thick and thin. And it's been a good in-betweener from all the times I've needed to order new phones and had to have one to use in the meantime. In fact, it the phone in current use as I type this post. Round 2 of matching family phones. Mine - Red. Mom's - Gold. Abbey's - Black. This one has some great features which have allowed friends to record some truly amazing ringtones. I have blackmail whenever I need it for the following people.
- Madeline Jacks
- Anna Lewis
- Abigail Davis
- Spencer Sheets