Monday, November 8, 2010


I'm an emotional person. I am. I didn't used to think that I was, but as I get older I'm recognizing that I get more and more emotional. (every day!) I try to blame it on genetics, but who knows...

Examples of a few things that make me emotional: Hallmark commercials and movies, babies, weddings, the TV show LOST, aaaaaaand pretty much everything else.

So I've come up with a new word. Emotional doesn't cut it for me anymore; doesn't quite describe the way I sometimes feel. I'm emotionFULL. I'm full of emotions. I'd like to gradually replace the word emotional with emotionfull, and henceforth change the course of mankind's understanding of the word. It's a lofty goal, and I'm anticipating highs and lows of making this happen...thereby accurately demonstrating to all following my progress what exactly it means to be emotionfull.

Actually that probably won't happen. But I will say that this might be a helpful word to some people whose husbands may or may not walk in on them watching TLC's A Baby Story, and see tears rolling down the cheeks of their wife. I just have to say two words to explain the whole situation. "I'm emotionfull."

Enough said.


  1. Sarah, have I mentioned how much a ADORE your blog?!?? I check it every single day. You're the best.
