Sunday, August 26, 2012

....fall is coming.....

We're officially less than a month away from the official start of fall--September 22, 9:49am CST--but when fall is your favorite season, it's only natural to start celebrating a smidge early.  It's just like getting ready for Christmas, except there's a lot more pumpkin involved.

I know I should be enjoying summer to the fullest here in Chicago, and I kind of am, but there is only so much oppressively thick heat I can enjoy before I'm ready for some cooler weather.  Sorry summer in Chicago, I don't think you're as awesome as everyone else says you are, in fact, I think you're pretty lame.  I plan on enjoying watching you slip away into the sunset while I light candles and bake pumpkin-y things while wearing boots.

I've been trying to fend off the feeling of fall for a little while to try and enjoy summer, but come on--it's a dark and rainy sunday morning, I'm drinking coffee, and listening to this on repeat...and it just feels like fall.  You always know you're on the bandwagon a little early when the grocery stores don't even have fall items to sell yet.  Good thing I stocked up on extra pumpkin last year, and good thing pinterest exists to show me all these wonderful recipes that are screaming my name, and also raising my cholesterol.

credit: Love to Cook

credit: myrecipies


  1. We must be related because I feel the same way. Bring on the pumpkin-spice lattes and cookies, and pies, and bread...oh and the next size up in pants :)
